Tao Religion

The Tao religion known as Taoism and Daoism is a Far Eastern religion, that originated sometime between 200 BC and 220 AD in China during the Han Dynasty.

It actually is comprised of a variety of religious and philosophical traditions. The actual originator is unknown but Lao Zi defined the fundamentals of Taoism in 6 BC.

The main literary texts of Taoism are Tao-Ti Ching (Way of Zhvangzi) and later I Ching (Book of Changes).

Taoist propriety and ethics emphasize unity of the universe, unity of the material world, unity of the spiritual world and unity of the past, present and future.

Tao or Dao (the Way) is held as the power behind all events and the flow of those events. Followers believe that all events are divine and a life of quiet contemplation will achieve oneness with Dao.

The concept of Yin and Yang, the male and female opposites of personality that bring balance to the universe, is central to the belief.

Three doctrines of the religion are love, moderation and humility.

Taoist theology is based on wu wei (nonaction) spontaneity, relativism and emptiness.

Traditional Chinese Taoists are polytheistic but they do not all agree on the Gods that they worship. Popular Taoism presents the Jade Emperor as the chief deity. Intellectual or the more elite Taoists present the God Laozi and the Three Pure Ones as the head God.

Taoism is not just a religion but rather a way of life as Taoists believe in the power of God, fate and ancestor worship.

Far Eastern

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