Jain Religion

The Jain religion is a faith which regards every living being as potentially divine and does not believe in a God like figurehead.

Jainists believe that living a life of non-violence progresses the soul to the ultimate goal. This is a different concept of God than the Christian and Islamist but contains some of Hinduism and Buddhism.

There are approximately 12 million Jainists.

This religion originated in 800 BC.

Jainism is practiced in India and east Africa.

Jainism espouses spiritual development through reliance on and cultivation of your own personal growth and self control.

There are five basic ethical principles prescribed and the degree to which they are adhered is different for renunciator and householder.

  • Non-violence (Ahimsa) to cause no harm to living beings.

  • Truth (Satya) to always speak the truth in a harmless manner.

  • Non-stealing (Asteya) to not take anything that is not willingly given.

  • Celibacy (Brahmacarya) to not indulge in sensual pleasures.

  • Non-possession (Aparigraha) to detach from people, places and material things.

  • Ahimsa includes not killing, harming or insulting other living beings directly or indirectly through others.

  • Satya is to be practiced by all people. It is to be understood if speaking truth will lead to silence, it is perfectly accessible to remain silent.

  • Asteya is non-stealing which is strict adherence to your own possessions without desire to take another’s.

  • Brahmacarya refers to monastic celibacy which is the complete abstinence from sex, which just applies to monastics.

  • Aparigraha or non-possession is the renunciation of property and wealth and is fundamental before initiation into the monastic.


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