Aglipayan Religion

The Aglipayan Church separated from the Roman Catholic Church in 1902 but still has many Catholic characteristics. The 2 main differences are that they reject the authority of the Bishop of Rome (the pope) and they allow their clergy to marry.

The Eucharistic service is a mixture of the Tridentine Rite and the Book of Common Prayer.

It is also known as the Philippine Independent Church.

When Filipino revolutionary leader Aguinaldo returned from his Hong Kong exile, despite the protests of the Americans, he appointed Rev. Fr. Gregorio Aglipay as Military Vicar General of the Revolutionary Government.

Though Aguinaldo, Aglipay, and their followers lost their war against the Americans, Aglipay’s ministry continued. The faith itself is usually referred to as Aglipayanism.

The Aglipayan church was rocked in the 1930’s, when Aglipay began professing a Unitarian viewpoint, which included a rejection of the Trinity. Church members unwilling to reject the Trinity rebelled in large numbers, yet they still considered themselves Aglipayans.

These dissenters sued for the right to call themselves the real Aglipayan Church, and ultimately won both that right and all church properties.

Since then the victors have associated with the Protestant Episcopal church of the United States. Other religions

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