Why not understand the time for your country?

by Luisa Maria Barrios Silva
(Montevideo, Uruguay)

We were at a special young meeting, in a church that every year provides this special time for a special meeting with our God. The mission and the vision of our church was that everybody could understand the Lord's time for our country.
With a special emphasis in the evangelism and church planting we understand that if some of the presents received the called and have the fire of the Holy Spirit on will be a special life that the Lord can use in his Mission to the World salvation.
The last night in the meeting we did a determination: we will work as hard as we can using all our time in the responsability of the uruguayan souls salvation.
Is the Lord's time for the young people here in Uruguay. Our responsability with our flag in the middle of the church was very very special. Everybody passed under our flag with the hands touching this simbol. ( I'm sorry because I´m learing a lot of English and I can´t use very well the language; I received the Lord´s called when I was ten years old and so I decided to prepare my life for the Lord´s work when and where He wants).
I believe in your deeeds Lord, in the things that you will be doing in my life, this life that you bought with the hardest price of your life, your blood!!!!!!!!!!!
I´m yours Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!
At the moment I´m working as a teacher of Biology in public and private secondary school. I´m enjoing this, because I understand that is part of the God´s school for my little life!!!!!!!!!!

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